qua 02 janeiro 2019

ICRA 2019 ViTac workshop Program

Time:9am-5pm Thursday 23rdMay 2019

Location:Room 524c, Palais des congres de Montreal, Montreal, Canada

Time Speaker Title
09:00 Organizers Welcome
Session 1: Optical tactile sensors
09:20 Nathan Lepora Session Intro & Biometric Optical Tactile Sensing
09:40 Edward Adelson Invited talk: Bringing touch, vision, and material properties together through geometry
10:00 Anh Van Ho Invited talk: 3D Vision-based Solution for Whole Arm Tactile Sensing
10:20 Hongbin Liu Invited talk: Extrinsic haptic sensing of flexible medical instruments
10:30 Coffee break, posters and demos
Session 2: Integrated vision-touch perception
11:00 Shan Luo Session Intro & Multimodal and Cross-modal Vision-Touch Perception
11:20 Peter Allen Invited talk: Multi-Modal Geometric Learning for Grasping and Manipulation
11:40 Sergey Levine/Dinesh Jayaraman Invited talk: Deep Visuo-Tactile Planning for Robotic Manipulation
12:00 Poster presenters Lightning poster presentations (2mins each)
12:30 Lunch break, posters and demos
Session 3: Bio-inspired vision-touch integration
13:30 Huaping Liu Session Intro &
13:50 Vincent Hayward (Keynote) Invited talk: Tactile cognition, metacognition and embodiment
14:30 Lorenzo Natale Invited talk: Controlling the interaction with objects using vision and touch
14:50 Oliver Kroemer Invited talk: Reasoning about Contacts using Vision and Tactile Sensing
15:10 Coffee break, posters and demos
Session 4 Applications of vision-touch integration
15:30 Uriel Martinez Hernandez Session Intro & Overview of Applications of Vision and Touch
15:50 Alberto Rodriguez Invited talk: A vision for tactile dexterity
16:10 Robert Haschke Invited talk: Combining Vision and Tactile for More Robust Manipulation
16:30 All speakers Group discussion
17:00 Finish and head for dinner together

Support of IEEE RAS Technical Committees

  • Haptics,
  • BioRobotics,
  • Human-Robot Interaction and Coordination,
  • Computer and Robot Vision,
  • Cognitive Robotics.