sáb 02 janeiro 2021

ICRA 2021 ViTac workshop Program

ViTac 2021: Trends and Challenges in Visuo-Tactile Perception

Time: 9am-6pm (GMT+00), Friday 4th June 2021

Workshop homepage.

The workshop will take place online (live) via Zoom.

To participate in the workshop, please register here for the Zoom meeting.

Participation will be free of charge.

Recordings of the workshop will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, please subscribe to the channel to stay tuned! You can also check out the recordings of the ViTac 2020 workshop there.

All the following times are in GMT+00 Time. (Please double check the time as this may get confused with local summer time)

Time Speaker Title
Session 1: Theme 1 Tactile sensors for robot tasks
09:00 – 09:25 Shan Luo Opening and Welcome
09:25 – 09:30 Wiley Publisher (Sponsor) Introduction to the Advanced Intelligent Systems journal
09:30-10:20 Aude Billard (Keynote) Tactile information for robust in-hand manipulation
10:20-10:50 Harold Soh Learning and Perception with Event-based Tactile Sensors
10:50-11:20 Lorenzo Jamone Magnetic-based soft tactile sensors for robotic manipulation
11:20-11:40 Break 20-min break & poster session in gather.town
Session 2: Theme 2 The control and design of robotic visuo-tactile systems
11:40-11:50 Kaspar Althoefer
Session introduction
11:50-12:20 Nathan Lepora
Soft biomimetic optical tactile sensing for robot dexterity
12:20-12:50 Qiang Li Intelligent Tactile Robots: From Safe Interaction to Dexterous Manipulation
12:50-13:00 Spotlight talks
(3 mins each)

1. S. Funabashi, G. Yang, F. Hongyi, A. Schmitz, L. Jamone, T. Ogata and S. Sugano. Visualization of Tactile Features for Object Recognition with a Multi-Fingered Hand (12:50-12:52)
2. S. Katyara, F. Ficuciello, T. Teng, F. Chen, B. Siciliano, D. G. Caldwell. Intuitive Tasks Planning Using Visuo-Tactile Perception for Human Robot Cooperation (12:53-12:55)
3. F. Palermo, C. Oh, K. Althoefer, S. Poslad, I. Farkhatdinov. Investigation of images of cracks via graph theory for developing an optimal exploration algorithm for a robotic manipulator (12:56-15:58)

13:00-13:50 Break 50-min break & poster session in gather.town
Session 3: Theme 3 Visuo-tactile perception for robot manipulation
13:50-14:00 Gordon Cheng Session introduction
14:00-14:30 Matei Ciocarlie Towards dexterous manipulation with a tactile finger
14:30-15:20 Edward Adelson (Keynote) The Future of Camera-based Tactile Sensing
15:20-15:30 Spotlight talks
(3 mins each)
4. J. Jiang, G. Cao, D. F. Gomes and S. Luo. Rapid Crack Reconstruction using Tactile Sensing and Vision (15:20-15:22)
5. S. J. Redmond, B. Xia, and H. Khamis. Real-time Friction Estimation for Grip Force Control (15:23-15:25)
6. A. N. Chaudhury, T. Man, W. Yuan, and C. Atkeson. Using collocated vision to improve tactile sensing (15:26-15:28)
15:30-15:50 Break 20-min break & poster session in gather.town
Session 4: Theme 4 Connecting vision and tactile sensing
15:50-16:00 Wenzhen Yuan Session introduction
16:00-16:30 Roberto Calandra Building an Ecosystem for Research on Touch Sensing
16:30-17:20 Roberta L. Klatzky (Keynote) Vision and Touch as Complementary Sensory Systems
Session 5:
17:20-17:50 Group discussion Breakout rooms
(welcome to suggest topics)
17:50-18:00 Wrap up

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