qui 02 janeiro 2020

ICRA 2020 ViTac workshop Accepted Papers

  1. Accurate estimation of the 3D contact force distribution with an optical tactile sensor. Carmelo Sferrazza and Raffaello D’Andrea [pdf]
  2. STAM: An Attention Model for Tactile Texture Recognition. Guanqun Cao and Shan Luo [pdf]
  3. Sim2Real for Peg-Hole Insertion with Eye-in-Hand Camera. Damian Bogunowicz, Aleksandr Rybnikov, Komal Vendidandi and Fedor Chervinskii [pdf]
  4. Exploiting touch sensing around fingers. Daniel Fernandes Gomes, Zhonglin and Shan Luo [pdf]
  5. Object pose estimation with geometry and tactile image matching. Maria Bauza Villalonga and Alberto Rodrigeuz [pdf]
  6. Incremental shape and pose estimation from planar pushing using contact implicit surfaces. Sudharshan Suresh, Joshua Mangelson and Michael Kaess [pdf]