What's this all about?

The smARTLab is part of the Agent ART research group in the Department of Computer Science and its members carry out research in the areas of swarm intelligence, (bio-inspired) machine learning, planning, multi-robot systems, human-robot interaction, probabilistic robotics, and unmanned aerial vehicles.

ICRA 2021 ViTac Workshop

ViTac 2021: Trends and Challenges in Visuo-Tactile Perception

Held online via Zoom
4 June 2021

Detailed program available here.

Accepted papers available here.

The workshop will take place online (live) via Zoom.

To participate in the workshop, please register here for the Zoom meeting.

Participation will be free of charge …

ICRA 2020 ViTac Workshop

ViTac 2020: Closing the Perception-Action Loop with Vision and Tactile Sensing

Held online via Zoom
23 May 2020

Detailed program available here.

Accepted papers available here.

The workshop will take place online (live) via Zoom.

To participate in the workshop, please register here for the Zoom meeting.

Participation will be …

ICRA 2019 ViTac Workshop

ViTac: Integrating Vision and Touch for Multimodal and Cross-modal Perception

Montreal Convention Centre, Montreal, Canada
23 May 2019

Detailed program available here.

Accepted papers available here.

In this one-day workshop we will bring together experts from the diverse range of disciplines and encompass engineers, computer scientists, cognitive scientists and sensor …

The Chemistry Lab of the Future

The Chemistry Lab of the Future project aims to bring Industry 4.0 to today’s chemistry labs. In this project, AI and robotics researchers of the smARTLab collaborate with chemists from the Liverpool University Department of Chemistry, more specifically, the Cooper Group. The goal of this research is to …

Game theoretic analysis of the space debris removal dilemma

This project was a partnership with the Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency under the Ariadna framework.

The study aimed to analyse space debris removal efforts from a strategic, game-theoretical perspective. The objective was three-fold, one, to model debris accumulation and active removal efforts as a dynamic game …

MITRO - Telepresence Robot

MITRO is the Mersey (formerly Maastricht) Intelligent Telepresence Robot, also known as Bob. The aim of the MITRO project is to develop a telepresence robot, allowing the user to be present in a remote location while maintaining mobility. We go beyond traditional telepresence robotics by bestowing the robot with intelligence …


A dataset to train object classification or detection algorithms on RoboCup@Work objects.

What is it?

  • A dataset containing more than 35000 RGBD images taken from an Intel SR300 in a RoboCup@Work setting
  • About 33500 are labeled as one of the 13 RoboCup@Work object types (the others show …

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